Variants in the N-acetyltranferase 2 gene, acetylator phenotypes and association with tuberculosis. Findings in Peruvian patients

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Sánchez, Rodrigo
Laymito Chumbimuni, Lina Rocío
Oscano, Teodoro
Guevara, María
Moscole, Saul
Obispo, Daisy
Huerta, Doris
Fujita Alarcón, Ricardo Miguel
Acosta Conchucos, Oscar
Mostrar el registro completo del ítemResumen
Background: Tuberculosis (TB) is a highly prevalent chronic infectious disease in developing
countries, with Peru being one of the most affected in the world. The variants in Nacetyltransferase 2 (NAT2) gene are related with xenobiotics metabolism and have potential
for TB studies.
Aim: Associate the NAT2 gene variants, acetylator phenotypes and active tuberculosis in
Peruvians patients.
Methods: The design was cases (TB patients) and controls (population-based data). First, DNA
isolation, and the variants rs1799929, rs1799930, and rs1799931 of the NAT2 gene were
determined with sequencing. The acetylator phenotypes: Slow (SA), intermediate (IA) and
rapid (RA) too were analyzed.
Results: The frequencies of the rs1799931 variant in the patients, respect controls, showed
significant differences and they are risk, both for the A allele (p=0.00; OR = 3.04, 95% CI: 1.88-
4.9) and the AG genotype (p=0.00; OR = 5.94, 95% CI: 3.17-11.09). The non-rapid acetylator
phenotypes (SA+IA) too was found to be a risk factor (p=0.016; OR = 3.16, 95% CI: 1.29-7.72)
Conclusion: The A allele, GA heterozygous genotype of the variant rs1799931 in the NAT2
gene and SA+IA acetylator phenotype shows strong association and increase risk for TB. In
addition to xenobiotic metabolism, other metabolic and immunological functions of NAT2 are
postulated for susceptibility to TB in the Peruvian population, characterized by its high
amerindian component
- Artículos [13]
Elsevier Ltd
Perú. Consejo Nacional de Ciencia y Tecnología (Concytec). Fondo Nacional de Desarrollo Científico, Tecnológico y de Innovación Tecnológica (Fondecyt). Proyecto de investigación: Perfil inmunogenómico y farmacogenomico para determinar la predisposición a hepatotoxicidad por tratamiento antituberculoso en pacientes peruanos. Número de contrato: CONV-000090-2014-FONDECYT-DE